Articulated Credit Agreements

Credit for Licensure, Certifications, or Third Party Training

Are you eligible for college credit that could save you time and money? Students who possess current industry certifications, licensures, specified training, career and technical certificates (CTC) (formerly known as post-secondary adult vocational (PSAV) certificates) and/or applied technology diplomas (ATD) may be eligible to receive free college credit in various Associate in Science (A.S.) degree programs through what are known as articulated agreements. 

View EFSC's current state-approved articulated credit agreements and you can explore specific categories below.

The Petition for Credit form is used when a student wants to seek credit in one of the defined accelerated credit options. Click here to access the form.

You also can learn more about statewide articulation agreements that could lead to credit in an EFSC program at the Florida Department of Education website — plus the American Council on Education (ACE) also has an online listing of approved licensures, certificates, or educational experiences that may transfer to EFSC.

Industry Certifications

View Industry Certification Articulated Agreement Chart

Credit may be awarded when a credential or a license is broadly recognized in the industry or in the career area and the student has demonstrated experience in the field. Competency-based credit pertains to specific national or state credentials or licenses as reviewed and agreed upon by college faculty and administration.

Students who hold current industry certifications may be eligible to receive college credit in the related career program. Specific industry certification agreements identify the equivalent college credit.

Career and Technical Certificates (CTC) & Applied Technology Diplomas (ATD)

View CTC & ATD Articulated Agreement Chart

Career and Technical (CTC) certificate and Applied Technology Diploma (ATD) programs consist of a series of courses that prepare students for entry level employment in specific career fields.

Students who have earned a CTC (formerly known as a PSAV) certificate or an ATD, and are continuing their education in a related Associate in Science (A.S.) degree program, may be eligible to earn college credit via state-mandated articulated agreements.

Third Party Agreements, Industry Exams & Licensure

View Third Party Agreements, Industry Exams & Licensure

EFSC may award credit for industry training or licensure provided by external agencies for designated programs.

Agreements have been created between external agencies and the College. These agreements include in-house training by local employers with the equivalent college credit identified.