Curriculum Forms & Instructions
This page provides information, resources, templates, and guidelines pertaining to the process of developing curriculum at Eastern Florida State College.
Academic program development is, generally, the process whereby academic disciplines propose to establish new academic programs as well as to enhance existing program offerings including creating new courses and/or revising existing courses.
To maintain accurate, complete records for programs and courses, EFSC uses CourseLeaf CIM, an online curriculum management system. Faculty will work with curriculum development support staff to ensure all information is processed completely.
Click on the accordion rows below to access frequently used documents, instruction manuals, forms, deadlines, and contacts.
To ensure you view the most recent version of each document, we recommend you refresh your browser window after opening the form or clear your browser's cache in case your computer has cached a prior version.
Faculty can submit curriculum requests, including lab/course fee changes, anytime up to two weeks prior to the last Curriculum Development Committee meeting in Spring Term. While every effort is made to consider all requests, the final spring meeting can be long, and the agenda can fill up, so please do not wait to submit curriculum requests, especially if it's a request for the upcoming Fall term.
Curriculum Update Guidelines [Downloadable PDF: Updated 1/25/24]
Catalog & Program of Study Template
[Download the appropriate Program of Study PDF Form]
For A.A., A.S., ATD and CCC Programs
For Bachelor, ATC and CER Programs
Course Plan Template (CPT)
[Downloadable PDF Form for both Credit and Clock Hour Programs: Updated 2/12/2024]
Academic Group/Discipline Approval PDF Form
Fee Justification [Downloadable PDF Form]
Amy Krewson, Director, Curriculum Development
Curriculum Development Committee Chair
Dr. John Combs