Instrumental Music
If you're focusing on instrumental music, your first two years of study will provide the fundamental groundwork applicable to all music disciplines as you work toward earning an Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree at EFSC. To achieve this, you'll need a minimum of 60 college-level credits, with 36 dedicated to general education courses and 24 to electives.
Out of the general education credits, six must be in the humanities, and we highly recommend that instrumental majors take Survey of Music Literature (MUL 2010) to fulfill three of those humanities credits.
As a music student, we advise you to enroll in at least eight or nine credits of music classes per term. String, wind, and percussion majors typically take nine credits per term (which count as electives towards the A.A. degree), while piano and guitar majors typically take either eight or nine credits, depending on which major ensemble you participate in.
Music students may be eligible for program scholarships.
Given the diverse ensemble options available, students pursuing a music major often take around two-and-a-half to three years to complete their A.A. degree.
For a successful transfer to a university with a music program, you'll generally need 68 to 72 credits. Don't hesitate to seek guidance from EFSC advisors and music faculty, who are ready to assist you in planning your courses as you work toward your degree and prepare for a bachelor-level music program. Also be sure to contact an advisor at the institution you plan to transfer to and review prerequisite course requirements and any audition process.
Instrumental Ensembles
Explore our diverse range of ensembles that offer exceptional opportunities for musical growth and collaboration at EFSC and within Brevard County.
Options include the Jazz Ensemble, which had its fall concert featured on the college's WEFS television station and YouTube Channel.
Experience a comprehensive study of music from various periods and styles by joining the EFSC Wind Ensemble, a performing group open to all students.
Join our performing string ensemble, where we emphasize a thorough exploration of orchestral literature from the 1500s to the present. Previous experience on a string instrument is required.
Experience the captivating world of jazz music by joining our performing instrumental ensemble, where we focus on the Big Band era and explore modern jazz music.
Calling all Eastern Florida State College students and Brevard County residents, from high school juniors and seniors to senior citizens! Join our Community Symphony Orchestra, open to individuals with previous playing experience on a string, wind, or percussion instrument.