Service Locations
ID Cards & Parking Permit services are available at the following locations Monday
- Thursday, 8 AM - 8 PM.
Cocoa Campus:
Building 1, Front Lobby
Melbourne Campus:
Building 1, Room 107
Palm Bay Campus:
Building 1, Room 112
Titusville Campus:
Building 3, Room 106
Reporting Emergencies:
First call 911 and the dispatcher will initiate a response and contact campus security.
EFSC ID Cards & Bus Stickers
Eastern Florida State College students, Eastern Florida Online students, faculty,
staff, and partnership students must get their Photo Identification Card and/or badge,
which also serves as an EFSC Library Card, at a campus security office. Community
patrons can also receive a card that serves as a library card only.
Identification cards/badges are available through security personnel at the locations in the box on this page.
- ID badge services are currently available Monday - Thursday from 8 AM to 8 PM. If you arrive at a security office and it's locked, a placard on the door will tell you how to call the officer on campus who will meet you at the office.
- Students must provide a valid government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license,
passport, or current year high school ID for dual enrollment students, PLUS verify
enrollment through one of the following ways:
1. Provide a printed copy of course registration or student schedule for the current or upcoming term OR
2. Show registration or schedule in the myEFSC Portal for the current or upcoming term from a mobile device OR
3. Provide their Student B# and the Security Office staff will confirm enrollment in the Banner system - For EFSC students, the first ID and/or library card issued is free. If lost, a replacement card for EFSC students is $10.
- For faculty and staff, you can receive a college photo ID badge on the third day of employment – after all paperwork has been entered into the payroll system by Human Resources. ID badges are issued through your home campus Security Department.
Non-Student Community Patron EFSC Library Card Procedure
Note: All Community Patrons have to apply for a Community Patron Library Card.
Community patrons (non-EFSC/non-UCF affiliated persons) who wish to use EFSC libraries must possess a valid Community Patron Library Card. For security reasons, all applicants must undergo a criminal background check (i.e. fingerprinting). Applicants who are designated a Sexual Offender or Sexual Predator (or similar designation in another jurisdiction), or who otherwise pose a security risk to the college as determined by the administration in its sole and absolute discretion are not eligible for and will not receive a Community Patron Library Card.
Community Patron Application Process
- Applicant: Go to a Student Accounts Business Office (Melbourne or Cocoa campuses only) with a completed and printed Application for Community Patron Library Card. Pay the cashier $75 for fingerprints/background check and obtain a receipt.
- Applicant: Bring the completed application, a U.S. Government issued ID, and the receipt for the $75 payment to the Melbourne or Cocoa Campus Security Office (only those two offices provide fingerprinting for the background check).
- Security: Security will confirm the person is NOT a sexual offender/predator via the FDLE sexual offender/predator database. If cleared, the applicant will be fingerprinted.
- Security: Once the applicant is fingerprinted, that Security Officer will send the original application form to the Security Lieutenant for file. That same Security Officer shall also email a copy the application to Human Resources as a heads up that the fingerprint/background information is forthcoming (the FDLE information is mailed directly to Human Resources)
- Human Resources: Once Human Resources receives confirmation from FDLE, the Security Lieutenant will be notified of the results.
- Lieutenant: If cleared, the Lieutenant will then notify the applicant by phone that they can go back to the Student Accounts Business Office and pay $25 for the Community Patron Library Card. The Security Lieutenant will notify the sergeants via e-mail that the applicant has been cleared.
- Applicant: Applicant will bring their U.S. Government issued ID and $25 receipt to the security office where they will receive their Community Patron Library Card.
- The Community Patron Library Card is valid for one year from the date issued and is valid with any EFSC Campus Library.
Parking Decals & Free Bus Transportation Sticker
Campus security offices also distribute parking decals for EFSC students, faculty and staff, which you can request at the time you receive
your photo ID, and bus stickers for EFSC students. Currently enrolled EFSC students
can ride Space Coast Area Transit (SCAT) buses for free if they have a special sticker attached to their Student ID
(It's the small year sticker shown on the sample ID photo and will be for the current
year). Visit a campus security office or ID card location to pick up a bus sticker.
Please note the following:
- SCAT stickers are valid for one calendar year only
- The current year's sticker is available for your ID card at each Campus Security Office
- Student must have a student ID
- Student must be currently enrolled