Quality Enhancement Plan
Executive Summary
Eastern Florida State College’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is named “Rocket to Success: Taking Online Learning to New Heights.” Rocket to Success grew organically out of the College’s comprehensive 2019-2022 Strategic Plan, “Mapping the Future.” The strategic plan called for improving student learning through an emphasis on faculty professional development, raising the quality of online instruction and course and curriculum design, and developing a framework for a new QEP for the next SACSCOC 10-year review. Data revealed that even as online enrollment grew, online success rates lagged those in face-to-face classes, particularly in gateway English and math. Subsequently, an overall QEP topic of improving online student success by focusing on English and math gateway courses was identified through institutional processes.
The College ensured widespread involvement in and engagement with the QEP through various means. A collegewide QEP Kick-Off meeting in March 2022 officially launched development of the QEP plan with a brainstorming session comprised of faculty, staff, and administration. Faculty and staff were recruited for the QEP Leadership Team and three Goals Committees (38 members total), which began meeting in the Fall 2022 semester through Spring 2023. As these committees worked, they made sure to keep the rest of the College informed. The QEP team has provided various faculty councils and other college committees and convenings with regular updates and the opportunity to provide feedback to further shape the direction of the QEP. Concurrently, the College Communications and Marketing department created QEP branding for widespread distribution and publicity. Altogether, hundreds of students, faculty, and staff have contributed to the development of the QEP.
Through this collaborative process, three overarching QEP goals or interventions have been identified over a five-year timeline. The first goal is to strengthen information literacy resources for online learning, with a focus on English Composition 1 (ENC 1101) students to improve success rates in this gateway course. The second goal is to enhance course design and delivery for online learning, particularly through designating online courses as Quality or High Quality and incorporation of best practice course design strategies that promote student success. The third goal is foster a care community for online learning by increasing student services online support and expanding online math tutoring to improve success rates in math gateway courses.
As a result of the actions the College takes through the QEP, the following student learning and student success outcomes are expected:
- SLO1: Students will be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and use appropriate resources to meet an information need.
- SLO2: Students will be able to identify and access resources to support their online course success.
- SSO English: Improve online course success in General Education English Composition.
- SSO Math: Improve online course success in General Education Mathematics.
The College will regularly assess these outcomes for each year of the plan and use the data to improve online success rates. At the end of five years, the College anticipates significant improvement in online student success.
Mr. Andrew Lieb, Collegewide Chair and QEP Co-Director, lieba@easternflorida.edu
Prof. Carrie Wells, QEP Co-Director, wellsc@easternflorida.edu
Fall 2023 Welcome Back Event: QEP Presentation [PowerPoint PDF]
On the dates below, unless otherwise noted, the meetings listed are for the QEP Leadership Team.
- April 16, 2024
- March 19, 2024
- February 20, 2024
- January 23, 2024
- September 19, 2023
- September 7, 2023
- August 22, 2023
- April 17, 2023
- February 14, 2023
- January 17, 2023
- November 29, 2022
- November 1, 2022
- October 4, 2022
- August 30, 2022
- March 31, 2022: QEP Kick-Off Meeting