Equivalency of Training Course
Prepare for Florida Employment
This EFSC Public Safety Institute course is designed for out-of-state law enforcement, corrections, or federal law enforcement officers seeking employment in the State of Florida.
Persons who were formerly certified in Florida as law enforcement or corrections officers may request an exemption from some basic-level training courses.
Florida officers qualify for this program if their break in service was no more than eight (8) years.
Upcoming EOT Training Options:
June 2025 Program: Class June 16-24, 2025; State Exam June 26, 2025
(Specific days and times within that period provided upon acceptance)
October 2025 Program: Class Oct. 13-21, 2025; State Exam Oct. 23, 2025
(Specific days and times within that period provided upon acceptance)
Successful completion of the EOT process and State Officer Certification Exam makes you eligible for employment at a law enforcement agency in Brevard County or within the State of Florida.
Equivalency of Training Course
Program Info
- Location & Contacts
Eastern Florida State College
Public Safety Institute
3865 N. Wickham Road
Melbourne, FL 32935Questions about Initial Approval to Attend / CJSTC 76 Form:
Brevard Police Testing Center
321-433-5639Questions about EFSC's Proficiency Demonstration Course:
Lisa Charpentier
Curriculum Coordinator
Equivalency of training COURSE overview
The Law Enforcement proficiency program is approximately 50 hours in length and the Corrections program is approximately 36 hours. EFSC's program is extremely concentrated and consists of four practical exams for Law Enforcement and three practical exams for Corrections. The intent of this course is to measure the student's acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities in the following high liability areas:
- Defensive Tactics
- Firearms
- First Aid
- Driving (for Law Enforcement only)
The course will not cover all areas of the curriculum mandated by the FL Dept. of Law Enforcement (FDLE). Students must study the curriculum on their own to prepare for the FL Officer State Exam.
Successful completion of this proficiency course qualifies you to sit for the State Officer Certification Exam (SOCE) offered through FDLE and administered at the Brevard Police Testing Center. The State Exam is a comprehensive multiple choice test, consisting of 200 questions for Law Enforcement & Corrections. The cost for this exam is $150.
How to Apply for the EOT Course
step ONE: Review process to determine eligibility
- Applicant must have employment and training evaluated to obtain the FDLE-approved Equivalency of Training CJSTC form 76, including all previously Florida-certified officers, out-of-state officers, or federal officers.
- You must obtain a CJSTC-76 to attend the program. The form may be obtained after an assessment of your training which is conducted at this College by the Brevard Police Testing Center (BPTC).
- Once the CJSTC-76 form has been reviewed and approved by the FDLE, the BPTC staff will send the approved applicant a copy of the 76 form and approval letter in an email and will also send the 76 form and approval letter via certified mail.
- Applicant has one year from 76 approval date to complete the Equivalency of Training course offered at Eastern Florida State College and take the Florida State Officer Certification Exam
Should you have any questions regarding FDLE eligibility requirements, please call 321-433-5639 or email policeinfo@easternflorida.edu
Step Two: Signing Up for EFSC's EOT Course
To reserve a seat in the EOT class, contact Lisa Charpentier at charpentierl@easternflorida.edu. You can also download and follow the EOT Information Sheet.
The course costs $750 for Law Enforcement version and $600 for Corrections.